Things of Faith with Pastor Scott Hawkins
Things of Faith with Pastor Scott Hawkins
Discussion: How Faith and Doubt Are Interwoven and Why That's OK
If you have faith then you don't have doubt. This is one of the most common but incorrect thoughts regarding faith.
The stigma a doubting Christian often feels can bring great shame. Shame and darkness are destroyers of faith. They lead to isolation, and isolation is where the evil one wants us.
Is it possible to grow in faith in the midst of doubt? Yes! By leaning into God in times of doubt we can grow in faith.
You see, it's not doubt or faith that matters. What matters is the object of your faith. Is your faith in Jesus or in something else?
Remember, faith is not something we can manufacture. God gives faith as a gift, and He will pursue you even when you're doubting.
Join us as Pastor Scott welcomes Pastor Michael Stoops to discuss the relationship between faith and doubt.