Things of Faith with Pastor Scott Hawkins
This podcast is intended to be a conversation starter for families. I want this to be a place for families to listen together to the conversation starters and start talking about things of faith in the home. Faith is rooted in families and I want this to be a tool to equip dialogue and allow for new thoughts to take shape in the lives of God's people.
34 episodes
What happens at the end of days?
Last episode Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops discussed what happens to us when we die. In this episode, our intrepid pastors open up that other can of worms; what do the the end times look like, how do we know they are here? Let'...
Season 2
Episode 15
What happens when you die?
Listen as Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops discuss eschatology. Many answers to mankind's curious big question 'what happens when you die' are found in the scriptures. What is not found is an exact date. Let's go ahead and get that out ...
Season 2
Episode 14
A Grateful Life
God gives us the opportunity to respond to His love with a life of worship and love. Listen to Pastor Scott and Stoops discuss this topic and others.
Season 2
Episode 13
Listen as Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops discuss prayer. The posture of prayer takes many forms and viewing prayer as a service to others and the body should be one of those.
Season 2
Episode 12
Listen as Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops take you on a journey to understanding the gift of hope. This hope is not the verb form as we use in the common vernacular. No, Christian hope is a noun.
Season 2
Episode 11
Worship--it's what we're made for
For some, worship is a habit or a tradition that we participate it, but it's much more than that. It is what we are made for. Listen as Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops take you on a journey to understanding how worsh...
Season 2
Episode 10
Discipleship: understanding and how to practice it
Discipleship is a crucial part of a relational Christian life. Often though it's a term that gives people pause. Why? It can be confusing and somewhat daunting, especially if one feels they are new or a immature in their faith. Patsors ...
Season 2
Episode 9
In this episode of Things of Faith, Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops discuss the sacraments in the Protestant church. Prior to the Reformation the Catholic church held seven things as sacraments. Protestant reformers set as...
Season 2
Episode 8
Spiritual Gifts: Our Uniqueness
In this episode of Things of Faith, Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops discuss spiritual gifts. Yes, the gift of tongues is on the agenda but spiritual gifts are way more than that. Often times, that's the stumbling block to conv...
Season 2
Episode 7
Understanding Justification and Sanctification
Justification and Sanctification are terms many Christians say they know. But, in our day to day lives we often forget one or the other. While these astonishing gifts of God are separate, they are vastly intertwined. Come along as Pastors Scott...
Season 2
Episode 6
Being the Church
Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops offer some foundational elements on what it means to be a Christian and part of the Church.--What does it mean to be a part of the body of Christ?--What is the Church?--Why is it ...
Season 2
Episode 5
God empowers the Church
What are some of the ways God empowers the Church? Come along as Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops discuss how God empowers the Church and the individual.
Season 2
Episode 4
God the Spirit
Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops conclude their discussion on the Holy Trinity with God the Spirit.A natural tension exists in the conversation around the Trinity. If there is one God where does room for the Holy Spirit appear? ...
Season 2
Episode 3
God the Son as the Savior
In this episode of Things of Faith, Pastors Scott Hawkins and Michael Stoops discuss God the Son and His role as the Savior.Here a some of the topics the Pastors take on. What makes Jesus different?...
Season 2
Episode 2
God the Father
Join us as Pastor Scott welcomes Pastor Michael Stoops to discuss the Holy Trinity. In this episode, the Pastors dive into the character of the Father.
Season 2
Episode 1
Ash Wednesday Driving Reflection
As you drive on this COVID Ash Wednesday, listen to these reflections and music to remind you of our desperate need of Christ.
Season 2
Episode 1
Discussion: What is the Trinity and how it shapes our view of God
The Holy Trinity. Where does it come from? What does it mean? Why do we believe in the trinity? Come along as Pastor Scott and Pastor Michael Stoops take us on an intriguing journey into the Trinity.
Season 1
Episode 9
Good Friday Walk - Is It I?
This is a Good Friday experience that was written by myself and produced by Francisco Calvo. It moves from the garden to the cross through the eyes of different witnesses. It was originally intended to have different stations that you sat at as...
Conversation Starter: Understanding the Person of Christ
Why does it matter that Jesus was a person? How can a person be fully God? These are ideas that cause many to stumble with Christianity. But, you don't have to. Come along as we prepare to discuss the Person of Christ.
Season 1
Episode 8
Discussion: Understanding the Person of Christ
As Christians we are often hit with questions from friends, acquaintances, and even ourselves about the identity of Jesus and the seeming contradiction that prevents Him from being God. The gospels don't shy away from it. They admit man struggl...
Season 1
Episode 7
Sermon: Calm in the Midst of the Storm
As we experience this novel Coronavirus and how it impacts our whole lives, let us look to the living God for calm. We have the God of life in us and allowing us to not be guided by a spirit of fear, but of His presence.
How Faith and Doubt Are Interwoven and Why That's OK (Conversation Starter)
Faith, knowledge, doubt, trust; we encounter and act on each of these everyday. Many times we don't think about it or realize what's going on from moment-to-moment. With that in mind, let's think about it! What would the world look like if we o...
Season 1
Episode 6
Sermon: Idol Talk - Overview
This sermon begins our Lenten 2020 series talking about Idols. During this sermon series we are looking at the different idols in our lives. This sermon provides an overview on the idea of idols and why it's important that we have a jealous God...
Discussion: How Faith and Doubt Are Interwoven and Why That's OK
If you have faith then you don't have doubt. This is one of the most common but incorrect thoughts regarding faith. The stigma a doubting Christian often feels can bring great shame. Shame and darkness are destroyers of faith. They lead...
Season 1
Episode 5